A Bicycle bag is great for holding tools, tubes, energy bars etc . At the very least you will need to take an extra tube and a few simple tools along with you and you sure don't them in your pockets.
After you ride for a while you will grow, or shrink, the number of items that you want to take along. You will find that it's better to add any extra weight to the bike and not the rider so you won't want a lot of stuff in your pockets and bike clothes don't have a lot of pockets for this reason.
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It can be something as simple as a saddle bag that mounts under the seat. These are fine for a short ride where you only need a few essentials. Most are expandable if you do need a bit more carrying capacity. |
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A handlebar bag is very convenient. You can stay seated on your bike and still have easy access. They are larger than a saddle bag and most can be easily removed, and have carrying straps, so you can take your goodies with you for security reasons. There are some clever designs that are very light-weight and have multiple pockets etc. |
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Another good option is a commuter bag. They are usually light-weight and expandable. They do, however, require a trunk rack, as shown below, mounted over the rear wheel. And, you don't have convenient access without getting off of the bike, unlike the handlebar bag. I can access mine while seated but it can be a bit uncomfortable. |
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You will need a trunk rack if you want to use a trunk rack bag or a pannier. They can be super handy and don't add much weight to your bike. I use one on my comfort bike and I'm liking it more and more. I keep a light rain jacket in my trunk bag in case it rains or gets a little cool. |
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A frame bicycle bag is usually the smallest bag and may do the job just fine but don't expect to carry any but the bare essentials in it. Some mount in the angle of the frame between the top tube and the seat tube using velcro straps. Others (front mount)mount between the top tube and the down tube. When choosing a front mount make sute that it won't interfere with your bottle and cage. |
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