An electric tricycle is perfect for the person who would love to ride but is not quite up to a conventional bike, or trike, You can sit back and let the trike do the work or pedal when you want some exercise. It's sort of the best of both worlds. |
Some adult communities only allow golf cars which can be expensive to maintain and hard to store. But electric trikes offer an alternative, are a lot more fun, and there are few, if any, restrictions on where you can ride. So if you want to ride to a convenience store, or coffee shop, no problem. You can usually take it wherever you want which you can't do with a golf car.
It's baffling to me why most bicycle shops don't carry tricycles of any kind. There is obviously a demand that is growing every day so why don't they carry them? They use basically the same components as a bicycle so repair is not an issue.
They may be a bit more prominent in areas of the country with a high concentration of retirees but, in general, availability is much better online.
Here are a few popular models
The Elek-trike can cruise at 8 -10mph and with some pedal assistance will go for well over 20 miles.
Built very solidly it has a heavy duty 450 Watt – 24V rear drive system and long lasting 20 ampere sealed batteries
The stylish RMB Libert-e is a unique electric tricycle - to enhance safety, the Libert-e has a rear end differential just like a car.
Most electric tricycles have either a front wheel hub motor or rear wheel hub motor that only powers one wheel - ultimately sacrificing traction, torque, and cornering safety. The Libert-e's rear end differential allows the power to be equally distributed to both rear wheels for safety, and traction.
The Libert-e also comes standard with advanced front shocks, Lithium power and front and rear DISC brakes.
Lay back and enjoy riding the Combo Electric Recumbent Tricycle - a highly comfortable E-trike with a cool and stylish look.
The Combo Electric Recumbent Tricycle is both safe and comfortable - and that people intuitively find easy to handle.
The comfortable broad-surfaced saddle (completely adjustable in height and angle) provides a relaxed sitting position.
On the Combo Trike it is easy to keep a close watch on the traffic.
7 speed internal hub, l-ion 36V battery with 11 amp-hours, Bosch motor with 250 watts and a differential transmission for secure handling
At last you can enjoy the comfort that fat tires will give you on a tricycle. The Emojo fat tire tricycle has a range of up to 45 miles at speeds up to 15 mph. It comes with a 48V lithium ion battery that you can charge in only 4 -6 hours and disc brakes on each wheel for added safety. Maximum rider weight is an impressive 320 lbs.
If storage space is an issue you may want to consider a folding tricycle.
A folding electric tricycle adds storage convenience to a pedal optional ride for seniors. One of the issues with a standard electric trike is that they are rather large for storing and transport. A trike that folds, and is electric, addresses this issue. |
For a great selection go here
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