The boomers bike store represents the finest, boomer-friendly, cycling products available. These products have been carefully selected for their broad appeal to the mature, discerning, cyclist. It’s all about putting the fun and fitness back into your life and helping you make the very best of your riding experience.
cruiser bicycle - EZ Boarding - Day 6 semi-recumbent bicycles
fat tire bicycle - folding bicycle -
hybrid bicycle - buddy bike - stretch beach cruiser
Monahue full=size folding bike - Mountain bikes
recumbent bicycle - road bicycles - step-through bicycle
tandem bicycle folding recumbent bicycle - industrial bicycles
chopper tricycle - electric tricycle - chainless tricycle
folding recumbent - folding tricycle -
Greenspeed folding recumbent - Trailmate Funcycle
Trailmate side by side tricycle - Belize tri-rider recumbent
recumbent tricycle - buddy tricycle - tandem tricycle
True Quest recumbent tricycle - Trailmate Stretch Adult Tricycle
Trailmate Joyrider recumbent tricycle
Electric Bicycles And Tricycles
Electric Bicycle - Day 6 Behemont fat tire electic tricycle
fat tire electric bike - electric chopper bicycle
step-through electric bicycle - electric tricycle -
folding electric tricycle - folding electric recumbent
Honda electric bicycle - scooter - electric buddy bike
Electric scooters
Superfly electric scooter Gigabyke electric scooter
Special Purpose Cycles
8 speed buddy bike - 30 speed buddy bike - recumbent hand-cycle
Pacific Cycle 2Rider- Hand cyles - Trailmate funcycle