Why have your gear scattered all over the house or or garage when you can keep it all in one place in your bicycle gear bag and be on your bike in a few minutes and ready to roll ?
If you transport your bike to your favorite riding spot you can
just keep your gear bag in the trunk of your car. Then wherever you won't be kicking yourself for forgetting the pump, or tube, or whatever.
When you only have a few hours to spare, and you want to ride, you don't have to waste my time rounding up your gear.You will probably ride more without this hassle.
Also, when you go on vacation all of your gear is packed and ready to go. It's convenient and saves a lot of hassle.
There are some very clever designs, with pockets and vents built in to help keep your stuff organized, as shown below.
![]() Rolling gear bag |
![]() Airline gear bag |
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